Frenchie 2011

By karenfrench

World Book Night

I was selected to be one of 20,000 'book givers' for the first ever World Book Night this Saturday. For more info see here:

I chose to give away Rachel's Holiday by Marian Keyes. I chose it for 2 reasons: because i read it when i was at Uni about 14 years ago and it reminds me of then, and because it's a story about addiction and denial written in a very engaging and funny way. It's not a literary heavyweight, but it's brilliant. Rachel's 'Holiday' is actually her going into rehab.

Today's blip is a pic of my 48 copies of Rachel's Holiday. I collected them from Waterstones in Princes St, Edinburgh and dragged them home in a suitcase today!!!

If anyone else is World Book Nighting and fancies a swop send me a message.....

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