Sami's Snaps

By SamiColenutt

Morning cup of tea.

I am VERY bad at mornings. And this is an early morning for me (i had already showered and things before this was taken.) Luckily, my lovely housemate Abi knows this and when we both start around the same time she often brings me a cup of tea to brighten my mood.

This cup of tea set me up very well today! I was in uni by half 8 for a convergence news day meeting, then stayed until gone 1 to make good progress on my magazine cover. Not bad for a day off.

Going for a night out with coursemates tonight - cocktails and dancing seems a perfect reward really. No doubt tomorrow's blip will be me or a coursemate dancing ridiculously at stupid o'clock in the morning! And no doubt I will have a nasty headache when I upload it...

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