
By middleman


I've seen these three box things so many times, and there's nearly always cars parked in front of them, obscuring the necessary view. I've never seen them with graffiti on though before today, no idea who or what MPK is or means, but thanks. They almost look like oversize Scrabble tiles now.

Not much of much today, busy with work and children, but managed a little trip out to a pal's house in the evening where we did what men of a certain age do when they get together, namely look up New Order gigs on the internet and discuss setlists and venues. Barney, Peter, Stephen and Gillian, we have appreciated your efforts, both enthusiastic and somewhat lacklustre on occasions, considerably over the years.

Not much music listening either today, although the walk to and from my Bruntsfield-dwelling friend did mean I managed to squeeze in a bit of the wonderful Peaking Lights album purchased yesterday and a wonderful stripped-to-the-bone remix of Gold Panda by one of my favourite bands/artists of the moment, Forest Swords. I had to come the long way home for that one, well worth it.

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