Möbius Miss

By WifeOfRiley

So much depends upon...

When I was doing my English Lit GCSE we were encouraged to write a poem. It had to be in the style of a particular poem by William Carlos Williams (urm, yeah, had to look that one up!) called 'The Red Wheelbarrow'. The first line had to be 'So much depends upon...'  followed by three more lines in the format of the original. I couldn't for pure embarrassment divulge exactly what I wrote but it involved a discarded tie and a teacher.

This tie has never been worn so isn't actually discarded and well, I'm not 15 any more, but I did like the way the lighting caught the sheen of the otherwise flat looking fabric. 

The Red Wheelbarrow

so much depends

a red wheel

glazed with rain

beside the white

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