
By Poppy

Let sleeping cats lie!

Bobby has got the couch tonight! It's his favourite spot but sometimes he has to share it with Mr P!

Thanks for everyone's kind comments yesterday. It made me realise that I do take the scenery here for granted. I had gone looking for a terrific sky, some dramatic waves or Ollie to be charging about in the sea, and was a bit disappointed that I just got the beach and the grass. I see that beach probably 4 or 5 times a week and yes, it's a lovely beach but after all these years I've stopped being impressed by it. It takes other people appreciating it to make me see it in a different way and re-evaluate it. I will make an effort to look at more every day things with "new eyes"!

Sorry for not commenting much tonight - am exhausted and need some kip! Roll on the weekend!

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