
By Poppy

Rain Clouds Coming . . .

My sister's dog spent all day at the vet's getting x rays and investigations, so she, my sister, came and spent the day with Ollie and I. As we got to the top of the hill on our walk we looked south to see the mountains of Scotland, and looked around at the panorama of the islands. On the horizon, the rain clouds were lurking . . . . but we managed to avoid getting wet. Lunched on fresh baked bread and ginger bread which I made at the weekend and have managed to keep for a few days so it has got nice and sticky!

Sister then dashed off to the vets to pick up a sleepy dozy Tessa and now she's got to keep her movements restricted in the hope of a speedy recovery . . . Somewhere in the back recesses of my mind is a poem about giving your heart to a dog to tear, Kipling I think. Yes - here is a link to it. Would have typed it out, but I am out at a meeting shortly and am minute secretary so have to be on time!

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