
By Nigel

Flash Sync

One of the few things I'm not happy about with the Olympus Pen-1 is that it doesn't have a flash sync socket. I'm not bothered by the fact that it has no flash as on-camera flash is usually a big load of pants anyway but not being able to trigger on off-camera flash is a bit of a downer. However £11.99 gets you a hotshoe adapter that adds a sync socket so at least I can do it via cable. Not sure how much a wireless trigger set is going to cost me but as my only current flash is a 20 year old non-auto type I doubt I've much need for that.

I'm looking to spend the next 17 days before we go on holiday to portugal eating a more healthy diet and drinking less. Tonight's fish fritatta with green leaf salad was a step in the rigth direction but the 3 bottles of wine we shared between 2 was not. Still it counts as Jen's Friday night as tomorrow is her day off but it's still not going to help curb the weight gain. On return from Portugal I think the gym will be in order, I wish I had somewhere I could store a bike as that would be a nice cheap way to exercise and also get me to intersting places to photograph easily.

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