Roly's Life

By Roly

Swine/Avian/Man Flu...

...I have it :-(

I am feeling very sorry for myself :-(

I only have Asda Smart Price tissues so my nose is raw until Mr Tesco delivers some balsam ones tomorrow evening. The Cold and Flu tablets kept me awake most of the night because I am not used to caffeine. And 4 children on, my pelvic floor is starting to feel oerwhelmed by all the sneezing...

Anyway, I had a bit of a Glee fest this afternoon while Red slept - I kept Lily happy by throwing "treats" at her every 30minutes...

Finally I collected the big 2 from "Kidz Klub" and took them to Mcdonalds drive thru for tea...

So this is my attempt at arty farty household crap - this little mog looks after my rings by the sink.

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