A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

sorting the edges

I don't know if it was the over stimulation of yesterday evening but I had great difficulty getting to sleep last night and on top of the late nights last weekend, I never seemed to get going today. I had intended walking to the garden centre as no 'proper' walk was planned, but the warmth of the sun in the dining room persuaded me to get out my Christmas present jigsaw and make a start. I can only do this on the table and it has been too cold and sunless. It's over 5 years since I last did a jigsaw when a friend lent me one of a semi naked man to keep me occupied after an operation!

This is a National Trust jigsaw called Treasures Within, showing activity above and below stairs. I've completed the border and the top bit of sky and roof and have enjoyed myself. Still feel a bit guilty though as it was a lovely if cold day. Still isn't that what retirement is about - doing what you feel like because you can?

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