More Life of Sands

By sands


I have had a lovely weekend in London. I went to the annual British Sub-Aqua Club Diving Conference yesterday and collected my National Instructor certificate - it feels more real now!

The conference has changed dates and venue. It used to be in early December in another part of London but after surveying the members, they moved it to Feb (not so close to Christmas) and it's now in Olympia (they are looking for venues outside London but can't find anywhere cost-effective as yet). In addition, they have organise a dive show at Olympia to run at the same time.

My 'imaginary' boyfriend, N, was not well on Thursday and Friday so couldn't fly down with me on Friday but he came down yesterday afternoon and a big group of us went out for dinner.

Today, after a mooch around the dive show, N and I went to visit my brother for lunch. This is him in his award-winning fancy dress costume! He made it himself for a staff party and won a weekend trip to New York as first prize for best costume - great, isn't it??!!

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