Warm Welcome
Long day which started early with a very poorly boy to comfort. Conor has picked up a bug, and as usual with him that means a ferociously high temperature and vomiting. Grand day for driving up north.
In the morning we spent more time struggling to remember what information might be on the stolen computer that could help someone get into our bank accounts. I don't there is anything, but we've changed our passwords for everything just in case. Tomorrow's fun task is trying to do all that again in French with our account there (bank closed today).
After some sterling advice from a Mac friendly friend, we had a fun-ucational hour or so in the Apple Store choosing some new toys. Never to be left in the car... Very friendly help in there.
Then after fond farewells to our generous hosts, the long drive north. The vomiting boy in the back seat didn't add anything pleasant to the trip. But we're all warm as toast now in front of this beauty. The kids were overjoyed to find they had Chistmas and birthday presents from their uncle to open, and Mam is pushing a very large glass of red wine towards me...
Life's not so bad.
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