
By misspixter

Labour of love

Today Luke and I spent many many hours in A&E as Luke's arm was still poorly and the doctor sent us to hospital. After lots and lots and lots of waiting, the doctor diagnosed 'pulled elbow' and popped it back in in 5 seconds. Its common problem in young children as they tend to get their arms pulled and their bones aren't fully grown and short at the joint. My poor poor hubby has been berating himself endlessly (he worships the ground Luke walks on) as he was the one who had taken him off the sofa by his arms and caused it. These things happen I keep telling him, but I think Luke will be permanently wrapped in his Dad's cotton wool from now on! Anyway within half an hour of said elbow popping, Luke's arm was back on fine form and he was busy chatting up the nurses. He's waving here as evidence and wearing his gold award for bravery sticker.. Although this was our first A&E trip, I fear it won't be our last, kids!!

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