Onwards & Upwards

By BeanieButton

The ole man is snoring!

I'm on for a moan so feel free to stop reading now!

Feeling all a bit blah! today ...

You may, or may not have noticed that i've removed my stars. It seems that someone didn't find my photos pleasing to the eye & went through part of my journal and gave me 1*, each to their own I say but to me like many others my photos & write ups are representative of my day & how I'm feeling, something I would like to think I'll look back upon in years to come so I was left felling some what despondent! I love the 'star system' it's so encouraging when someone rates your photos 4/5 stars, it's nice that you've touched someone with your journal! I'm sure in time i'll put the stars back on, but not today!

One of my camera lenses has broke which is the one I use most & is my old reliable on a day like today when there's not much space & the outdoor world is a little less accessible due to weather. I've been contemplating an upgrade anyway and this has just made me contemplate a little harder!

I'm not entirely happy with this pic, it just isn't what I was hoping to achieve, but it was raining hard, I was laying on a bin bag and the kids were moaning!

Well so much for me keeping it short and sweet this evening ... i'll try harder tomorrow I promise :o)

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