I love the way

I love the way you present me with books, with an expectant beam
I love the way you shuffle backwards into me, to snuggle as we read
I love the way you dance to songs only you can hear
I love the way you run up to your garage just to twizzle the flags
I love the way you cuddle your toys to say sorry for being cross
I love the way you bang at the cupboard wanting breakfast
I love the way you stroke my back and cheeks when you nurse
I love the way you play 'beep beep' on my nose when you're done
I love the way you try make Ba-ba walk
I love the way you don't understand why you can't

I love the way you always perfectly straighten Monkey's blanket
I love the way you put your toys in the swing before you
I love the way you flop onto me for a cuddle, just because
I love the way you dont doubt that I'll catch you
I love the way you flap your arms when you're excited
I love the way you demand to drink from a big glass
I love the way you try to wash your own face
I love the way you blow bubbles in the bath
I love the way you see joy in every bit of life
I love the way you are you

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